Wednesday 6 August 2014

Looking Back is Always Strange

When I was younger, I spent many Saturday mornings on the floor of the living room, watching the TV.  This was a normal enough pasttime for kids in my age group (somewhere between 7 and 13 years).  But this is me and this is specifically me looking back at my childhood and being more than a little puzzled.

I spent Saturday mornings watching QVC or the Home Shopping Network (Clearly I was not the one in control of the TV).

But more than this, I got excited about it.  "Only three hundred left!  A limited quantity!" and it was this amazing thing.  You'd watch the numbers climb and think, deep down that it wasn't likely, it was an underdog sort of chance, but that they could do it.  They could sell out.

. . . Oh my god, what the hell was I so excited about?

Maybe this is why I don't often recall my childhood.  Because I recall at strange times (like at work today) and there's this moment of ". . . what?"  Surely there's no way I was ever so excited over so strange a thing!  But no.  I know that I remember rightly.  I must have used up so much of my excitement when I was a kid because I don't get that riveted now.

Unless you want me to talk about Brandon Sanderson and his ability to world build.

. . . You don't want that.  I sound like a girl having a massive crush.  Just of the literary sort.

So.  Maybe I do still get excited about things.  My strangeness hasn't decreased; just changed.

1 comment:

  1. That made me grin. I love it. Just the power those memories have when you write them down.

    Goddammit, get off Brandon Sanderson's dick!
